Susanna Cornelia Rowles Barber

Henry Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. married Elizabeth Marbury (born ca. 1773), daughter of Col. Luke Marbury of Piscataway, on 27 November 1796; they had issue: William Henry Sothoron married Miss Barber. (Bowie* :551)

Henry Sothoron wills to his stepson John Truman Hawkins some servants. Hawkins named joint executor with his son (not named). Witness: William H. Sothoron, Eleanor S. Smith, Susanna C.K. Sothoron.

- In probate, William H. Sothoron identified as executor with John Truman Hawkins. (Wills WDM#15:481, Charles Co., 1832.01.18, Proved 1832.11.13)

Communion given to Mrs. Susan Sothoron, consort of W. H. Sothoron. (Trinity Parish Register (MSA M259}:unnumbered, Charles Co., 1833.02)

Request for deed of partition of lands left to the children of Luke W. Barber late of St. Mary’s Co., now holding as tenants in common in equal shares:

- Cornelius Barber of St. Mary’s Co. & Margaret his wife take Keys Part of Luckland (200 acres) & Cornelius Addition (113 7/8 acres), both in St. Mary’s Co..

- Caroline A. Barber Hutchins of St. Mary’s Co. takes Part of Westham (478 acres), Leith (130 acres), Morris' Purchase (145 acres) and Ridge (17 7/8 acres), all in St. Mary’s Co..

- William H. Sothoron of Charles Co. & Susanna C.R. Barber Sothoron his wife take Luckland (230 acres) in St. Mary’s Co..

- Julia Ann Barber of St. Mary’s Co. takes Baltimores Gift (187 4/5 acres), Sarum (150 acres) & Hallow (96 acres), all in Charles Co.; & Part of Hard Bargain (113 acres), in St. Mary's Co.

- Witness: William Henry Neale, Richard Edelen Jr. (Land Rec IB#20:475, Charles Co., 1833.04.13, Recorded 1833.07.23)

See husband's Notes for additional land records.

Susan Rebecca Sothoron born to William H. & Susan Cornelia Rowles Sothoron on 20 October 1833, baptized 13 August 1834 at W.H. Sothoron's. (Trinity Parish Register, Charles Co.)

Susan Rebecca Sothoron witnessed the will of Julia Ann Neale (see husband’s Notes).


are entombed

the remains of


consort of

William Henry Sothoron

who departed this life

on the 11th of February 1836, in

the 34th year of her age,

at the residence of her husband

near Benedict.

The expression of previously

to his beni.......ryland, is the highest Eulogie

a .......rt can be passed on her memory. 'That

she was truly an affectionate and good wife.'


Grave Marker*, The Plains, St. Mary’s Co.  (WHS*)


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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.